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Fair Trade Coffee (27mg)Natural caffeine boost to keep you alert and on point, while also supporting farmers with equitable trading practices.
Dark ChocolateA powerful source of antioxidants that can boost blood flow and lower blood pressure.
Cocoa ButterPacked with healthy fats and vitamin E.
Cocoa PowderLoaded with flavonoids and polyphenols for heart health and to reduce inflammation.
Date PasteA natural sweetener that’s also rich in potassium to help fight inflammation.
Grape Juice ConcentrateFull of vitamins and resveratrol for a heart healthy kick.
GingerAntioxidant and antiinflammatory heaven. Helps with digestion and says "bye bye" to nausea.
Cayenne PepperCapsaicin packed for a metabolism boost and pain relief. Plus, it's loaded with Vitamins A and C to keep your immune system on point.
CinnamonFeatures protective antioxidant properties and might even help keep your blood sugar behaving.
NutmegMajor antiinflammatory benefits, with a digestive support bonus.
Ground ClovesHelps the body fight diseases and contains manganese for those strong bones and metabolism.
MolassesPacked with vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium – all the good stuff!
Date PasteA natural sweetener that’s also rich in potassium. The cherry on top of this spicy treat.
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